Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Drama of An Office

I am going to invite you all to my world of dramatic office goings on, where my boss makes the receptionist cry. Apparently our receptionist has a "control problem" and is messing with me and Mary to control how we do our work. This all culminated with her lecturing me in front of everyone about how i need to work harder when i cover for her for lunch (which I think is nice of me considering how I don't like talking to people who call on the phone). I almost AK-47ed, but declined. So of course my amazing boss this morning talk to her, which ended with her crying and freaking out. I was like man, this place is worse than high school drama on the Disney Channel were friends change and make mistakes, because everyone is too sensitive and old to change here. My response to being lectured was to smoke (I know, you can all beat me up later) and then paint my toenails black because I am french and melancholic. That is why I am glad that the office life has not totally absorbed me, and if it ever does and I get all weird, like a Cathy comic, please end my suffering. ps, I can't post pictures, it just boops at me everytime I click the upload image, and it is making me very sad.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Lab Lab Lab

I am in the lab, and I am doing an increadibly s-l-o-w experiment. It involves pouring a mixture of gleatinous (and tiny) beads and water and ethanol in to a drip column, letting it settle, and then running water and buffer and stuff through it. I have to run several full volumes of stuff through it before I can even START with the protein, and each volume takes like 2 hours to run. WOAH! So I thought I would just update you all as it drip drip drips, so you could exprience sweet science vicariously through me.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Fire Party!

Everyone was super bummed that Tori wasn't around for the fire party. So I added her in digitally. I know that I'm bad at photoshoping, but check out her super serious dance face! Maybe we can have some sort of 4th of july fireworks fun this summer and pretend that it's march?

I Demand-

a post about the fire party since I was far away in Virginia celebrating St. Patrick's Day again for some reason. They are all backward here in the commonwealth! Who wants to save me from it!?! But I guess as a consolation prize for not being there with everyone, I saw a Sheltie.

Friday, March 16, 2007

A Virginia Spring For You to Enjoy

here are some picture from a magnolia tree by my house that i thought we could all enjoy together. We can all pick a bud to represent us. I'll be the one in the back in the center.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Aurora Mall

Just to let everyone know, I am indeed dragging Brittany to the Aurora Mall tonight and I hope that we don't get accosted. If so, my bad. But it will be an exciting adventure into diversity and Hot topic and other gothicesque stores.

Happy birthday Tori, I surprised you with a present about ling hing moi powder

For Tori, Caits and all of those who remember their first encounter with ling hing moi powder and how oddly fabulous it was. I went over to Hugo's house yesterday to get some cds he had burned for me. Apparently he was nervous to see me (which he later told me drunk and then called me sweetheart, guys are crazier than us), so he ran around the house showing me and giving me everything, including mexican candy that tasted just like ling hing moi but with a little more spice to it (cuz basically mexicans just eat everything with hotness added to it). And I couldn't remeber the name of the powder and was like darn, but then it made me think of you guys, which was fun. And I was like holy monkeys how did this spice come to be in Mexico and Hawaii, since there isn't much Asian flavor in Mexico like in Hawaii. So I would like to investigate this crazy incident of cross cultural flavor. Cheers to Tor Day. I tried to add a fun picture to spice up this story, but my computer won't let me add a picture it just keeps booping at me. So I am going to change the font color to spicy red.

Tor Day!

Here in Ohio we are celebrating Tori Day! Yay! Happy birthday Tori!

I celebrated by sleeping through all my classes! How will YOU celebrate?

Saturday, March 10, 2007

A brilliant movie plot!

Guys, get this. We need to make a movie about a hockey team that recruits male figure skaters to distract the other team. The other team will be all, "shit, that dude just did a triple lutz!" and the real hockey players will be all, "GOOOAAALLL!!!"


A Harrowing Mountain Story!

Yesterday, Farrah and Bierts and I went snowboarding in Winter Park with the help of Rachie's fabulous dad! Rachel called to ask us where we were since her dad was waiting for us, and while she was talking to Biertney, the cars in front of me started braking! So I pump the brakes like any good native knows to do, but they locked anyway, probably due to the slope of the hill, and the fresh packed snow and ice. Then we went into a 360 spin while all of us went, "whoa! WHOA!" Anyway, luckily we survived and we didn't fall off the mountain and no one even hit us and we all congratulated ourselves for not panicking in such a time of crisis.


Tuesday, March 6, 2007

The Bone Bubble

Farrah - Please recite this the next time you are next to a human skull (which I imagine happens very frequently):

"Here is the skull of a man: a man's thoughts and emotions
Have moved under the thin bone vault like clouds
Under the blue one: love and desire and pain,
Thunderclouds of wrath and white gales of fear
Have hung inside here: and sometimes the curious desire of knowing
Values and purpose and the cause of things
Has coasted like a little observer air-plane over the images
That filled this mind: it never discovered much,
And now it's all empty, a bone bubble, a blown-out eggshell."


Oh Man!

Guess who I just ran in to?!? Kelly! You know, boy Kelly, Kelly McGregor. He is just fantastic. I'm not sure if you all remember how fantastic he is, because I don't think I did before I just ran into him. But seriously though, he is just so nice! He is getting his masters in literature (said in a british accent), and has to teach freshman comp (boo!). For all of you here in the area, he wants to hang out, and will invite us to his next shindig at his place in Denver. Ok, that is my excitement for the hour!


France is fabulous

I would like to thank the people of the world for ranking France as one country with a positive, not negative influence on the world. A poll was conducted in 27 countries about US, Russia, Iran, Israel, Japan, EU, India, Venezuela, Britain, China, Canada, and of course France, whether they have a negative or positive impact on the world. Here is some of my favorite quotes about this survey:
"It appears that people around the world tend to look negatively on countries whose profile is marked by the pursuit of military power"
"Countries that relate to the world primarily through soft power, like France and Japan and the the EU in general, tend to be viewed positively"
See, France maybe doesn't win the war of military prowess, but she does win the war of being the most fabulous. And just like people like her soft cheese and croissants, they also like her soft diplomatic power.
Congratualtions France!!!

Monday, March 5, 2007

I'm Alive and back on a computer

After nursing my lonely butt for a week in my bed, I have returned to work and to my computer. My sinuses are still plugged up and I am hoping that sexy red lipstick covers up the redness of my over-blown nose. I would like you all to meet the man I am involved with in my head. It's all very romantic and things are going well. He sings me to sleep and has a very sexy tattoo near his nether regions. I will keep you all updated about how it is going. If you are confused, this is Ville Valo, lead singer of HIM, and my new obsession. Thank you Hugo (crazy, slightly assholy mexican) for bringing us together. All I can say when I see his big eyes with eyeliner is "OH Man" (a new saying I can't get out of my head cuz of crazy Swiss Natasha). Love you all

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Farrah and I -

cannot be the only ones holding this blog together! We must do this as a unit.