Sunday, December 10, 2006

A Christmas Gift

farrahs, caits, rachie, anna-liisa, k80, & bierts,

this is my christmas gift for you. after four months in richmond, i often have no idea what all the hotties are doing. i'll be the first to admit i have a hectic life and often forget which month it is, but it is my hope that through this blog we can have the conversations and experience i miss so much. though they'll never be what they are in person, this is the best we've got. here's a chance to make sure we never forget there is a still a constant void in the the construction based cereal market. this will be the extension of the 2nd and 4/4 floor website. i hope it doesn't fail like that did.

let this be a forum for new memories to be made and old memories to be remembered.

for all the hotties.
all my love,