Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A Moustache Conversation!

So I was leaving anatomy lab for the last time before my final (aah! so exciting and scary!) and this kid going into lab was sporting a moustache. So I told him I liked the moustache, and I asked him if he was planning to ask girls if they wanted moustache rides after the test. He said, "oh yeah... I guess that's why I grew it." And I told him, "It's a good line, and it works. I've fallen for it before." But then I realized that I was flirting, when I was really just trying to make small talk. I was way too stressed out and over worked to handle unintentional flirting so I quickly followed up with, "but it stopped working on me after I figured out that moustaches are creepy." Anyway, the point of this story is: Check out this guy's GIANT MOUSTACHE!



Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Caitlin Day

Greeting from Richmond, VA where it is officially Caitlin's birthday! I wish you warm wishes of birth and happiness. I wish I was there with you all to celebrate. hearts.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Richmond Renegades

So today we (me and a group from the adcenter) pitched viral video ideas to the Richmond Renegades hockey team. They totally dug our ideas. However, there are things I learned from my first client meeting.

• it's probably not a good idea to say "stoked" if you are trying to be professional.
• i actually get to meet hockey players tomorrow. what the heck am i going to wear?
• when you win client pitches you get a parking pass to "the tunnel"
• on February 23rd 2007, I will have an all access pass to the Richmond Coliseum
• one pitch down 4,359,0293,921 to go
• I learned when the next skate with the players after the game is going to happen

I wish you all could come to a game! It's like the rockies games, but they involve cannons and pirates. I wish I could have my birthday party there this year and we could have a pirate corset party. maybe someday. here's to dreaming!

A Question!

Should I play outdoor soccer?

a) yes

b) no


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

A Library Moment

My anatomy final is fast approaching, so I am hanging out more at the library. The other day I went to the library to meet with my tutor. I climbed the same stairs pictured here to get to a study room at the top. (also, at the top of these stairs you will find a TIME CAPSULE! Filled with things from 1983, I really don't get it. I think they are opening it in 2013 or something...) So I get to the top of the stairs and I see Tahir - a kid who sits behind me. He tries to steal my breakfast just about every morning. So Tahir basically lives at the library, while I only go there when absolutely necessary. This was our conversation at the top, or at least how I remember it:
(in whisper voice, of course)
T: Wow! What are you doing here? Are you lost?
F: No, I'm here to study.
T: Oh, well let me tell you how it works
F: Ok!
T: That area over there (he points towards the study tables) is a cesspool of distraction. Boys and girls fraternize. It's really sinful to be over there, especially for people from our part of the world. You really can't be over there if you want to get anything done.
F: Ohh! What are those things on those shelves?
T: Those are books
F: Books?
T: Yeah, you see there are things called letters, and letters become words, and words become sentences. Sentences tell stories and those get put into books.
F: Really!? wow!
T: I know! Like a couple rows down there are all these books about the uterus.
F: The uterus! I have to know about the uterus! Awesome!
T: It's really interesting. Like I found out that I don't have a uterus.
F: Really? That sucks, how are you going to have a baby?
T: I don't know. But you should go read them
F: But I don't speak English... Ok, I'm going to go meet my tutor now. Byeee.



Monday, February 19, 2007

An update!

Dear hotties pi,

I have had nothing to report lately as I've been feeling poopy sick. :( To clarify, not like I poop and feel sick or feel sick and then poop, more like my sinus are clogged up and I am once again hoarse.

But I did find this interesting article that I thought I would share with you:
"He was 14 when the girl entered his grass-covered hut and placed a plate in front of him containing an ancient recipe.

"Like all men on this African isle, Carvadju Jose Nananghe knew exactly what it meant. Refusing was not an option. His heart pounding, he lifted the steaming fish to his lips, agreeing in one bite to marry the girl.

"'I had no feelings for her," said Nananghe, now 65. "Then when I ate this meal, it was like lightning. I wanted only her.'"

Read the rest of the story HERE!

Anyway, the moral of the story is to watch out for girls who make you fish dinners!

Also, today I did my taxes because I figure that I already feel icky so why waste a perfectly good day doing taxes? On second thought, maybe that wasn't a good enough story to blog about, but it's too late now!!


Sunday, February 11, 2007

An Awkward Moment

Here is an awkward moment I had at STARBUCKS:

Emo High School Register Guy: Hey, can I take your order?
Me: yeah, I would like a grande toffee nut latte with skim milk and whipped cream
Emo High School Register Guy: anything else?
Me: no
Emo High School Register Guy: That will be (insert overpriced coffee price here). I need a toffee nut latte with skim milk and whipped cream
Bitchy looking starbucks employee: a what? (laughing)
Emo High School Register Guy: did I say it wrong?
*** 5 minute conversation between register guy, bitchy girl and making the coffee guy about the right way to tell them the order ***
Me: (giving him my credit card, feigning sympathy) I used to work at a coffee shop, it takes a while before you get the hang of it.
Emo High School Register Guy: ok.
Making the Coffee Guy: Cappuccino Breve! (in the background)
Me: (waiting at drink counter) ...
Making the Coffee Guy: That's your drink.
Me: I thought you said that was a cappuccino breve
Making the Coffee Guy: I lied
Me: You lied?
Making the Coffee Guy: Yeah, I lied.
Me: (sarcastic inner monologue) He's so witty, I need to go blog about this...

xoxo, Farrah

PS - Is it just me, or does the word Awkward look well... awkward? Too many "w"s and "k"s.

PPS - the first time I typed xoxo, my fingers were in the wrong place and I wrote coco, which was almost better, but didn't make sense to anybody else, but now that you have the background...

coco, Farrah

Friday, February 9, 2007

Hugh Dancy

So I had a free weekend after I took my test last Friday, and I lazed around in my jammies and watched like 3 movies in a row on HBO. The first one was Elizabeth I - the made for TV movie starting Jeremy Irons and Helen Mirren. Anyway, one of the characters in the movie was the Earl of Essex played by Hugh Dancy. He was so good looking that I kinda got goosebumps when he came on the screen. So for your enjoyment, here are pictures of Hugh Dancy. Hmm... he's not as good looking in these pictures - maybe you have to watch the movie.

Love, Farrahs

Saturday, February 3, 2007

We won!

Our first indoor soccer game was a success - we beat 'ngoose' 3-0. I am very excited. woo hoo


Thursday, February 1, 2007

You're a wizard, Harry!


What will we do with our lives when we can't obsess over Harry Potter anymore?!?!?
