Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Jagger ate a penis!

A penis straw. At first we couldn't identify it, but then I knew it was a good ol' penis straw. AL just said: "Jagger, penises are not for boy puppies" and then Mark said "Don't be gay Jagger, don't be gay" But I think that really if he was gay we would all accept him and love him (except maybe mark)

Wow, I sure do love this blogging thing


To aid my last post . . .

Here is stone:

Stone Stone Stone

Here is a walrus:

walrus walrus walrus

Here is a vessel:

vessel vessel vessel

I just thought some illustrations might help

OOh pick me pick me!

And by me, I mean seattle because that's where I suppose I'm going. Your number two chioce should definitely be the starbucks on baseline.

Also, hello all! I was told all the cool kids are blogging, so . . .

In other news, ceramics is amazing and right now I am making a giant pot that will be my self portrait. It is a vessel of emotion. There is a cute boy named Stone who is my ceramics buddy and he is making a giant walrus. I asked him how the walrus symbolized him and he said he'd figure that out later.

Ok, that is all I have to say for now.



Areas of Interest

A quest for the perfect internship. A list of potentials:

Wexley School For Girls (Seattle, WA)
Sandstrom Design (Portland, OR)
WongDoody (Seattle, WA)
Fort Franklin (Boston, MA)
Cole and Weber (Seattle, WA)
Borders Perrin Norrander (Portland, OR)
Boone Oakley (Charlotte, NC)
Zig (Chicago, IL)
Starbucks on Baseline and Broadway (Boulder, CO)



Oh man, those jerks at the Rockies tried to trade Todd Helton! We've already lost Earl Boykins, and now this?!?!? At least the deal didn't end up going down. They better not try that shit again!

"I am always prepared to stay here. I have never asked to leave," Helton said just before the talks expired.

I think the Rockies are owned by the Monforts, and as far as I'm concerned, their only other distinction besides trying to send Todd and his socks away is that they're responsible for stinking up Greeley. Those ingrates!


Let's Never Have Babies (or only have Farrah deliver them)

This is a pretty crazy story:

this is the reason never to have babies.

they eat your soul, your arms, and if you're lucky your legs too.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Lynne Koplitz

Ok, so I was supposed to be studying today, but there was this comedy marathon! So I watched a lot of Comedy central, and I saw this lady who is: a - pretty, b - funny, c - not a lesbian. Usually the women comedians don't have all three of these qualities. Anyway, I thought you might want to hear her too, but if you are in public or at work put on your headphones because there is all sorts of penis talk.

This is the video!! woo!!

Oh Sears, you silly company

So back in the day, Sears used to supply women with this great diet product - you know the TAPE WORM! woo! Great diet strategy until of course, it took over your body. Now look at this page from the Sears catalogue in 1918. Make sure you look very carefully at the middle column. Who knew Sears was so proactive with its at home aids for women?

This is the link! Click on it!!!!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Just in case anyone ever felt sad about not being able to reminisce about the good ol' days at Palmer...
"A Palmer High School art teacher has been arrested on suspicion of sexually assaulting a student, Colorado Springs police said today."

Man, I totally had this art teacher. In fact, we always thought that the other art teacher would eventually be arrested for sexual assault 'cause there were these rumors going around about him and the girls basketball team. Also he was an aspiring actor so he filmed all these creepy commercials for local casinos that featured him a bathtub going, "I like it loose...I like it hot!" And we were all, "ew."


Farrah's artisticness

I think that I am the girl with the very small head, which is, as we all know, incredibly accurate. And I am still confused about this Veronica Mars business, because the flash backs freak me out. So my plan is to just watch it from the very beginning. Perhaps Blockbuster has the first season. Then I will be less confused and be more like, Veronica Mars is the only blond girl I like. Plus, since life seems to have slowed down now, I can revel in the adventures I never happened upon at Cherry Creek High School. I will let you know when I begin my quest to better understand Veronica Mars.

Revisiting Veronica Mars Season 1

I've been watching VM season one and it is just as amazing as the first time I watched it. It's almost as though I've forgotten the entire plot and now I'm re-watching it for the first time. In this last episode Veronica got the water bed from Kieth. Man, it doesn't get better than that. I forgot how horrible Logan was but I never forgot how amazing his yellow Xtera is! I'll never forget that yellow Xtera. Never ever.


Monday, January 22, 2007

hi hi hi

I'm learning all about gonads! woo! Anyway, I started doing lame lame comics for my other med school blog - so I figured we need a lame comic of ourselves. Here are all the brunette hotties (I used the same hair color for everybody), and here's a fun game - pick who I was thinking of and what you might look like if I had any sort of computer or artistic skill. Ok, I have to go learn about Pelvic Viscera!


I invited everyone separately to the blog so that we can all have our own log-ins and then I think that we can attach our names to our posts and comments? Yay!


Oh my GOD, we HAVE to see this!

"Get ready to bend and snap, people!

'Legally Blonde'' the musical is setting up shop at San Francisco's Golden Gate Theatre and it's, like, totally a world premiere. 'Valley Girl' meets 'The Paper Chase' in this girl-power-athon slated to move to Broadway in April. Starting this week, Bay Area audiences get to dish on the relative awesomeness of the high-gloss musical comedy first."

-Anna-Liisa, who finally figured out that she needs to try to login to NEW blogger, not OLD blogger.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I agree with brunettes

I have been advocating the fabulousness of brunettes since the day of birth (when I was born with a lot of brunette hair, and yet somehow was born with stuck together toes, stupid fetal development). Anywhos, I am glad that all have embraced the brunette way, seeing as how it makes us all look sophisticated. And sophistication will one day lead to us all marrying rich men with sailboats. That's why i love being a brunette, it makes me feel secure in my future with my sailor man. I guess i should get back to work, except my medicine is kinda making me fuzzy and dizzy. Thus the crazy post.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Hey Guess What?

All the hotties are now brunette. Sweet.

not pictured: bierts and farrahs

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Wait I forgot my name

That was me, Rachie.

Wait I made a comment, not a blog. But now I'm blogging

Look at me. I'm blogging. It took me awhile to figure this out, but now I'm blogging. Ofcourse I am suppose to be working. However I figure the girl I work with doesn't do much while sitting in her office, so why don't I work hard on my blogging. Blogging is almost as much fun as tabagoning, and fogging (but not as dirty). But it is way more fun than indexing relentless court documents.